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Teufel Thundertruck

The #Thundertruck – A wild festival on wheels

The following post about the Teufel Thundertruck and corresponding photos appeared in the German magazine 4x4action. The following translation along with a few supplementary pictures are published in friendly cooperation with the author Martin Zink and Wieland Publishing. You’ll find the original article in the 4 April 2017 print addition of 4x4action.

Thundertruck Teufel LKW
Teufel Thundertruck

From MAN military truck to off-road festival monster

The audio manufacturer Teufel converted a former military truck into an off-road festival monster. Eight Bluetooth speakers with 115 decibels a piece let it rumble, […]

The Thundertruck’s cargo area can hold up to ten euro palettes. This is enough space to realize the idea of a powerful party-mobile.

Teufel Thundertruck with ROCKSTERs
The Thundertruck is equipped with 8 ROCKSTER Bluetooth speakers

The Thundertruck incorporates Teufel’s values

But how did the idea to transform a military truck into a sonic festival on wheels come about? Teufel’s Sebastian Drawert explains:

“The Thundertruck, which we refer to here as “The MAN”, embodies all of Teufel’s values. We stand for an intense — and therefore loud — lifestyle. That’s why we decided to go for an 8 x 8 truck that can really make a lot of noise at festivals and attract plenty of attention.”

Blick auf das Lenkrad in der Fahrerkabine
A peek into the cab of the Teufel Thundertruck

Customized for acoustics, equipped with a dance floor & bar

A lot of individual parts needed to be specially made for this project. In the end, the construction came to include eight Teufel ROCKSTERs, a dance floor and a bar. An earlier version included a refrigerator in the back. This was later moved to the front to help increase the sheer brute force of the acoustics.

The Thundertruck equipped with 8 full-sized Rockster with a ROCKSTER XS in the foreground

The cargo area is filled with any variety of things and can be braced. This ensures that the Thundertruck doesn’t lose its off-road worthiness. All military technology was removed from the Teufel truck to the greatest extent possible. The roof opening and rotary swivel, however were retained to allow a DJ to play records from the cab.

Torrential rain and mud are no problem for the Thundertruck

The eight powered wheels were perhaps not strictly necessary at the Teufel truck’s appearance at the Christopher Street Day Parade, but they certainly came in handy at Germany’s most popular heavy metal open air even, Wacken. Constant rain and vehicles stuck in the mud – all of this posed no problem for the Thundertruck. It gets through just about everything. With the Thundertruck, Teufel achieves a hidden aim: The newly retrofitted vehicle is still good for instilling a bit of fear, only now it’s because of the booming bass, not the howitzers.

About 4x4action

4x4action is a German-language magazine for real offroading. 4x4action is for people who love having adventures with their cars away from the safe confines of asphalt and offers a lot of useful information on how to improve sport utility vehicles, retrofitting, tuning, accessories and more. In addition, 4x4action reports on off road vacation destinations and the competitive and rally scene. 4x4action comes out twice a month for € 5.95.

Thundertruck offroad
Thundertruck offroad


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All pictures published courtesy of 4x4action magazine

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